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Haunted by Father's day weekends past

Today is Friday of the Father's day weekend in the US and I am swept up in a flood of memories from past Father's days spent packing up water, dry ice, sunscreen, art supplies, folding chairs and cardboard.

You see, from 2009 through 2014 my husband, son and I participated in the Pasadena Chalk Festival and in a really big way.

It all started after my son and his friend worked on a mural of their own. We found out that Blick Art Supplies provided the chalks and The Light Bringer Project organizes and keeps the artists hydrated. Who could say no to that? See more here

The next year he wanted a spot with us and asked if I knew how to do a 3D drawing in chalk. “Well,” I said, “not really.” So I offered a sculpture idea, a real 3D piece. A paper mâché covered frame he could chalk on. Giraffe heads soon emerged from the pavement, primed and ready for the real work to begin that included two sweltering hot days of crawling around the scorched concrete, working fingers to the bone.

To keep myself occupied, and my hands off his project, I decided to create a piece of my own. It felt like therapy, and a great exercise to help me release my other studio art to the world and to relax about showing and selling it. Because after all that creative chalk fest energy, effort, and enthusiasm, in just 3 days, all the artists’ murals are washed off, flowing like rainbow rivers down the drain.

Each year the sculptures we made grew and grew, just like my son did. We won awards for the Giraffes, Dragon and Blimp – best 3D. I don’t know if other artists have sculpture included these days. I hope we started something. 2014 was our last family chalk festival. This year, 2017, will be the first year we go back to see what the other artists create. I’m excited.

Here are our chalk murals from Fathers day 2010 - 2014


Andy’s harem

My son and I built the sculptures for the boys murals:

Giraffe’s see more here

Blimp template.

template for the blimp mural

Blimp and view from the top.

Warped tour Promo (no sculpture)

Escher-esque Lizards

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